السلام عليكم أحبتي تطور المواقع يأتي مع تطور لغات البرمجة ولغة CSS مازالت تقدم لنا الكثير من تأثيرات وحلول لعدة مشاكل قد تواجهها في تنسيق موقعك وفي هذا الدرس أحضرت لكم تأثيرات خرافية للهوبر - hover سوف تدهشكم وسوف تضيف اللمسة الجميلة لمدوناتكم ومواقعكم دون أدنى شك.
الأن بعد الإضافة نأتي لطريقة التركيب والتي ستكون عبر خطوات بسيطة.
طريقة إضافتها لمدونتكم :
1- ابحث عن <head> أضف بعده الكود التالي :<link href='https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/280199022/ab/normalize.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
2- ابحث عن ]]></b:skin> أضف فوقه الكود التالي : @font-face {
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
font-family: 'feathericons';
src:url('../fonts/feathericons/feathericons.eot?#iefix-8is7zf') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('../fonts/feathericons/feathericons.woff?-8is7zf') format('woff'),
url('../fonts/feathericons/feathericons.ttf?-8is7zf') format('truetype'),
url('../fonts/feathericons/feathericons.svg?-8is7zf#feathericons') format('svg');
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position: relative;
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/* Common style */
.grid figure {
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max-width: 100%;
opacity: 0.8;
.grid figure figcaption {
padding: 2em;
color: #fff;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-size: 1.25em;
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backface-visibility: hidden;
.grid figure figcaption::before,
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.grid figure figcaption,
.grid figure figcaption > a {
position: absolute;
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width: 100%;
height: 100%;
/* Anchor will cover the whole item by default */
/* For some effects it will show as a button */
.grid figure figcaption > a {
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white-space: nowrap;
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.grid figure h2 {
word-spacing: -0.15em;
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.grid figure h2 span {
font-weight: 800;
.grid figure h2,
.grid figure p {
margin: 0;
.grid figure p {
letter-spacing: 1px;
font-size: 68.5%;
/* Individual effects */
/***** Lily *****/
figure.effect-lily img {
max-width: none;
width: -webkit-calc(100% + 50px);
width: calc(100% + 50px);
opacity: 0.7;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-40px,0, 0);
transform: translate3d(-40px,0,0);
figure.effect-lily figcaption {
text-align: left;
figure.effect-lily figcaption > div {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
padding: 2em;
width: 100%;
height: 50%;
figure.effect-lily h2,
figure.effect-lily p {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,40px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,40px,0);
figure.effect-lily h2 {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: transform 0.35s;
figure.effect-lily p {
color: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.2s, transform 0.35s;
figure.effect-lily:hover img,
figure.effect-lily:hover p {
opacity: 1;
figure.effect-lily:hover img,
figure.effect-lily:hover h2,
figure.effect-lily:hover p {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
figure.effect-lily:hover p {
-webkit-transition-delay: 0.05s;
transition-delay: 0.05s;
-webkit-transition-duration: 0.35s;
transition-duration: 0.35s;
/***** Sadie *****/
figure.effect-sadie figcaption::before {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(72,76,97,0) 0%, rgba(72,76,97,0.8) 75%);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(72,76,97,0) 0%, rgba(72,76,97,0.8) 75%);
content: '';
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,50%,0);
transform: translate3d(0,50%,0);
figure.effect-sadie h2 {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
color: #484c61;
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s, color 0.35s;
transition: transform 0.35s, color 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0);
figure.effect-sadie figcaption::before,
figure.effect-sadie p {
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
figure.effect-sadie p {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
padding: 2em;
width: 100%;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,10px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,10px,0);
figure.effect-sadie:hover h2 {
color: #fff;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0) translate3d(0,-40px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0) translate3d(0,-40px,0);
figure.effect-sadie:hover figcaption::before ,
figure.effect-sadie:hover p {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
/***** Roxy *****/
figure.effect-roxy {
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #ff89e9 0%, #05abe0 100%);
background: linear-gradient(45deg, #ff89e9 0%,#05abe0 100%);
figure.effect-roxy img {
max-width: none;
width: -webkit-calc(100% + 60px);
width: calc(100% + 60px);
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-50px,0,0);
transform: translate3d(-50px,0,0);
figure.effect-roxy figcaption::before {
position: absolute;
top: 30px;
right: 30px;
bottom: 30px;
left: 30px;
border: 1px solid #fff;
content: '';
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-20px,0,0);
transform: translate3d(-20px,0,0);
figure.effect-roxy figcaption {
padding: 3em;
text-align: left;
figure.effect-roxy h2 {
padding: 30% 0 10px 0;
figure.effect-roxy p {
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-10px,0,0);
transform: translate3d(-10px,0,0);
figure.effect-roxy:hover img {
opacity: 0.7;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
figure.effect-roxy:hover figcaption::before,
figure.effect-roxy:hover p {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
/***** Bubba *****/
figure.effect-bubba {
background: #9e5406;
figure.effect-bubba img {
opacity: 0.7;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s;
figure.effect-bubba:hover img {
opacity: 0.4;
figure.effect-bubba figcaption::before,
figure.effect-bubba figcaption::after {
position: absolute;
top: 30px;
right: 30px;
bottom: 30px;
left: 30px;
content: '';
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
figure.effect-bubba figcaption::before {
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
-webkit-transform: scale(0,1);
transform: scale(0,1);
figure.effect-bubba figcaption::after {
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
-webkit-transform: scale(1,0);
transform: scale(1,0);
figure.effect-bubba h2 {
padding-top: 30%;
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-20px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-20px,0);
figure.effect-bubba p {
padding: 20px 2.5em;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,20px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,20px,0);
figure.effect-bubba:hover figcaption::before,
figure.effect-bubba:hover figcaption::after {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: scale(1);
transform: scale(1);
figure.effect-bubba:hover h2,
figure.effect-bubba:hover p {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
/***** Romeo *****/
figure.effect-romeo {
-webkit-perspective: 1000px;
perspective: 1000px;
figure.effect-romeo img {
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,300px);
transform: translate3d(0,0,300px);
figure.effect-romeo:hover img {
opacity: 0.6;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
figure.effect-romeo figcaption::before,
figure.effect-romeo figcaption::after {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 80%;
height: 1px;
background: #fff;
content: '';
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%,-50%,0);
transform: translate3d(-50%,-50%,0);
figure.effect-romeo:hover figcaption::before {
opacity: 0.5;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%,-50%,0) rotate(45deg);
transform: translate3d(-50%,-50%,0) rotate(45deg);
figure.effect-romeo:hover figcaption::after {
opacity: 0.5;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%,-50%,0) rotate(-45deg);
transform: translate3d(-50%,-50%,0) rotate(-45deg);
figure.effect-romeo h2,
figure.effect-romeo p {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: transform 0.35s;
figure.effect-romeo h2 {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0) translate3d(0,-150%,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0) translate3d(0,-150%,0);
figure.effect-romeo p {
padding: 0.25em 2em;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0) translate3d(0,150%,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0) translate3d(0,150%,0);
figure.effect-romeo:hover h2 {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0) translate3d(0,-100%,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0) translate3d(0,-100%,0);
figure.effect-romeo:hover p {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0) translate3d(0,100%,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-50%,0) translate3d(0,100%,0);
/***** Layla *****/
figure.effect-layla {
background: #18a367;
figure.effect-layla img {
height: 390px;
figure.effect-layla figcaption {
padding: 3em;
figure.effect-layla figcaption::before,
figure.effect-layla figcaption::after {
position: absolute;
content: '';
opacity: 0;
figure.effect-layla figcaption::before {
top: 50px;
right: 30px;
bottom: 50px;
left: 30px;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
-webkit-transform: scale(0,1);
transform: scale(0,1);
-webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;
transform-origin: 0 0;
figure.effect-layla figcaption::after {
top: 30px;
right: 50px;
bottom: 30px;
left: 50px;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
-webkit-transform: scale(1,0);
transform: scale(1,0);
-webkit-transform-origin: 100% 0;
transform-origin: 100% 0;
figure.effect-layla h2 {
padding-top: 26%;
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: transform 0.35s;
figure.effect-layla p {
padding: 0.5em 2em;
text-transform: none;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-10px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-10px,0);
figure.effect-layla img,
figure.effect-layla h2 {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-30px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-30px,0);
figure.effect-layla img,
figure.effect-layla figcaption::before,
figure.effect-layla figcaption::after,
figure.effect-layla p {
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
figure.effect-layla:hover img {
opacity: 0.7;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
figure.effect-layla:hover figcaption::before,
figure.effect-layla:hover figcaption::after {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: scale(1);
transform: scale(1);
figure.effect-layla:hover h2,
figure.effect-layla:hover p {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
figure.effect-layla:hover figcaption::after,
figure.effect-layla:hover h2,
figure.effect-layla:hover p,
figure.effect-layla:hover img {
-webkit-transition-delay: 0.15s;
transition-delay: 0.15s;
/***** Honey *****/
figure.effect-honey {
background: #4a3753;
figure.effect-honey img {
opacity: 0.9;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s;
figure.effect-honey:hover img {
opacity: 0.5;
figure.effect-honey figcaption::before {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 10px;
background: #fff;
content: '';
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,10px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,10px,0);
figure.effect-honey h2 {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
padding: 1em 1.5em;
width: 100%;
text-align: left;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-30px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-30px,0);
figure.effect-honey h2 i {
font-style: normal;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-30px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-30px,0);
figure.effect-honey figcaption::before,
figure.effect-honey h2 {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: transform 0.35s;
figure.effect-honey:hover figcaption::before,
figure.effect-honey:hover h2,
figure.effect-honey:hover h2 i {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
/***** Oscar *****/
figure.effect-oscar {
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #22682a 0%, #9b4a1b 40%, #3a342a 100%);
background: linear-gradient(45deg, #22682a 0%,#9b4a1b 40%,#3a342a 100%);
figure.effect-oscar img {
opacity: 0.9;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s;
figure.effect-oscar figcaption {
padding: 3em;
background-color: rgba(58,52,42,0.7);
-webkit-transition: background-color 0.35s;
transition: background-color 0.35s;
figure.effect-oscar figcaption::before {
position: absolute;
top: 30px;
right: 30px;
bottom: 30px;
left: 30px;
border: 1px solid #fff;
content: '';
figure.effect-oscar h2 {
margin: 20% 0 10px 0;
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,100%,0);
transform: translate3d(0,100%,0);
figure.effect-oscar figcaption::before,
figure.effect-oscar p {
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: scale(0);
transform: scale(0);
figure.effect-oscar:hover h2 {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
figure.effect-oscar:hover figcaption::before,
figure.effect-oscar:hover p {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: scale(1);
transform: scale(1);
figure.effect-oscar:hover figcaption {
background-color: rgba(58,52,42,0);
figure.effect-oscar:hover img {
opacity: 0.4;
/***** Marley *****/
figure.effect-marley figcaption {
text-align: right;
figure.effect-marley h2,
figure.effect-marley p {
position: absolute;
right: 30px;
left: 30px;
padding: 10px 0;
figure.effect-marley p {
bottom: 30px;
line-height: 1.5;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,100%,0);
transform: translate3d(0,100%,0);
figure.effect-marley h2 {
top: 30px;
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,20px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,20px,0);
figure.effect-marley:hover h2 {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
figure.effect-marley h2::after {
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 4px;
background: #fff;
content: '';
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,40px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,40px,0);
figure.effect-marley h2::after,
figure.effect-marley p {
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
figure.effect-marley:hover h2::after,
figure.effect-marley:hover p {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
/***** Ruby *****/
figure.effect-ruby {
background-color: #17819c;
figure.effect-ruby img {
opacity: 0.7;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: scale(1.15);
transform: scale(1.15);
figure.effect-ruby:hover img {
opacity: 0.5;
-webkit-transform: scale(1);
transform: scale(1);
figure.effect-ruby h2 {
margin-top: 20%;
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,20px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,20px,0);
figure.effect-ruby p {
margin: 1em 0 0;
padding: 3em;
border: 1px solid #fff;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,20px,0) scale(1.1);
transform: translate3d(0,20px,0) scale(1.1);
figure.effect-ruby:hover h2 {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
figure.effect-ruby:hover p {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1);
/***** Milo *****/
figure.effect-milo {
background: #2e5d5a;
figure.effect-milo img {
max-width: none;
width: -webkit-calc(100% + 60px);
width: calc(100% + 60px);
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-30px,0,0) scale(1.12);
transform: translate3d(-30px,0,0) scale(1.12);
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
backface-visibility: hidden;
figure.effect-milo:hover img {
opacity: 0.5;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1);
figure.effect-milo h2 {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
padding: 1em 1.2em;
figure.effect-milo p {
padding: 0 10px 0 0;
width: 50%;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
text-align: right;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-40px,0,0);
transform: translate3d(-40px,0,0);
figure.effect-milo:hover p {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
/***** Dexter *****/
figure.effect-dexter {
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(37,141,200,1) 0%, rgba(104,60,19,1) 100%);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(37,141,200,1) 0%,rgba(104,60,19,1) 100%);
figure.effect-dexter img {
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s;
figure.effect-dexter:hover img {
opacity: 0.4;
figure.effect-dexter figcaption::after {
position: absolute;
right: 30px;
bottom: 30px;
left: 30px;
height: -webkit-calc(50% - 30px);
height: calc(50% - 30px);
border: 7px solid #fff;
content: '';
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-100%,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-100%,0);
figure.effect-dexter:hover figcaption::after {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
figure.effect-dexter figcaption {
padding: 3em;
text-align: left;
figure.effect-dexter p {
position: absolute;
right: 60px;
bottom: 60px;
left: 60px;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-100px,0);
transform: translate3d(0,-100px,0);
figure.effect-dexter:hover p {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
/***** Sarah *****/
figure.effect-sarah {
background: #42b078;
figure.effect-sarah img {
max-width: none;
width: -webkit-calc(100% + 20px);
width: calc(100% + 20px);
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(-10px,0,0);
transform: translate3d(-10px,0,0);
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
backface-visibility: hidden;
figure.effect-sarah:hover img {
opacity: 0.4;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
figure.effect-sarah figcaption {
text-align: left;
figure.effect-sarah h2 {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0.5em 0;
figure.effect-sarah h2::after {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 3px;
background: #fff;
content: '';
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s;
transition: transform 0.35s;
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/***** Zoe *****/
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transition-delay: 0.15s;
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-webkit-transition-delay: 0.2s;
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/***** Chico *****/
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3- في صفحة المعاينة ستجد لكل تأثير اسم كما في الصورةقم باختيار اسم التأثير الذي تريد وابحث عنه هنا :
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-lily">
<img src="img/12.jpg" alt="img12"/>
<h2>Nice <span>Lily</span></h2>
<p>Lily likes to play with crayons and pencils</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-lily">
<img src="img/1.jpg" alt="img1"/>
<h2>Nice <span>Lily</span></h2>
<p>Lily likes to play with crayons and pencils</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-sadie">
<img src="img/2.jpg" alt="img02"/>
<h2>Holy <span>Sadie</span></h2>
<p>Sadie never took her eyes off me. <br>She had a dark soul.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-sadie">
<img src="img/14.jpg" alt="img14"/>
<h2>Holy <span>Sadie</span></h2>
<p>Sadie never took her eyes off me. <br>She had a dark soul.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-honey">
<img src="img/4.jpg" alt="img04"/>
<h2>Dreamy <span>Honey</span> <i>Now</i></h2>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-honey">
<img src="img/5.jpg" alt="img05"/>
<h2>Dreamy <span>Honey</span> <i>Now</i></h2>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-layla">
<img src="img/6.jpg" alt="img06"/>
<h2>Crazy <span>Layla</span></h2>
<p>When Layla appears, she brings an eternal summer along.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-layla">
<img src="img/3.jpg" alt="img03"/>
<h2>Crazy <span>Layla</span></h2>
<p>When Layla appears, she brings an eternal summer along.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-zoe">
<img src="img/25.jpg" alt="img25"/>
<h2>Creative <span>Zoe</span></h2>
<p class="icon-links">
<a href="#"><span class="icon-heart"></span></a>
<a href="#"><span class="icon-eye"></span></a>
<a href="#"><span class="icon-paper-clip"></span></a>
<p class="description">Zoe never had the patience of her sisters. She deliberately punched the bear in his face.</p>
<figure class="effect-zoe">
<img src="img/26.jpg" alt="img26"/>
<h2>Creative <span>Zoe</span></h2>
<p class="icon-links">
<a href="#"><span class="icon-heart"></span></a>
<a href="#"><span class="icon-eye"></span></a>
<a href="#"><span class="icon-paper-clip"></span></a>
<p class="description">Zoe never had the patience of her sisters. She deliberately punched the bear in his face.</p>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-oscar">
<img src="img/9.jpg" alt="img09"/>
<h2>Warm <span>Oscar</span></h2>
<p>Oscar is a decent man. He used to clean porches with pleasure.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-oscar">
<img src="img/10.jpg" alt="img10"/>
<h2>Warm <span>Oscar</span></h2>
<p>Oscar is a decent man. He used to clean porches with pleasure.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-marley">
<img src="img/11.jpg" alt="img11"/>
<h2>Sweet <span>Marley</span></h2>
<p>Marley tried to convince her but she was not interested.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-marley">
<img src="img/12.jpg" alt="img12"/>
<h2>Sweet <span>Marley</span></h2>
<p>Marley tried to convince her but she was not interested.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-ruby">
<img src="img/13.jpg" alt="img13"/>
<h2>Glowing <span>Ruby</span></h2>
<p>Ruby did not need any help. Everybody knew that.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-ruby">
<img src="img/14.jpg" alt="img14"/>
<h2>Glowing <span>Ruby</span></h2>
<p>Ruby did not need any help. Everybody knew that.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-roxy">
<img src="img/15.jpg" alt="img15"/>
<h2>Charming <span>Roxy</span></h2>
<p>Roxy was my best friend. She'd cross any border for me.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-roxy">
<img src="img/1.jpg" alt="img01"/>
<h2>Charming <span>Roxy</span></h2>
<p>Roxy was my best friend. She'd cross any border for me.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-bubba">
<img src="img/2.jpg" alt="img02"/>
<h2>Fresh <span>Bubba</span></h2>
<p>Bubba likes to appear out of thin air.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-bubba">
<img src="img/16.jpg" alt="img16"/>
<h2>Fresh <span>Bubba</span></h2>
<p>Bubba likes to appear out of thin air.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-romeo">
<img src="img/17.jpg" alt="img17"/>
<h2>Wild <span>Romeo</span></h2>
<p>Romeo never knows what he wants. He seemed to be very cross about something.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-romeo">
<img src="img/18.jpg" alt="img18"/>
<h2>Wild <span>Romeo</span></h2>
<p>Romeo never knows what he wants. He seemed to be very cross about something.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-dexter">
<img src="img/19.jpg" alt="img19"/>
<h2>Strange <span>Dexter</span></h2>
<p>Dexter had his own strange way. You could watch him training ants.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-dexter">
<img src="img/12.jpg" alt="img12"/>
<h2>Strange <span>Dexter</span></h2>
<p>Dexter had his own strange way. You could watch him training ants.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-sarah">
<img src="img/13.jpg" alt="img13"/>
<h2>Free <span>Sarah</span></h2>
<p>Sarah likes to watch clouds. She's quite depressed.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-sarah">
<img src="img/20.jpg" alt="img20"/>
<h2>Free <span>Sarah</span></h2>
<p>Sarah likes to watch clouds. She's quite depressed.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-chico">
<img src="img/15.jpg" alt="img15"/>
<h2>Silly <span>Chico</span></h2>
<p>Chico's main fear was missing the morning bus.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-chico">
<img src="img/4.jpg" alt="img04"/>
<h2>Silly <span>Chico</span></h2>
<p>Chico's main fear was missing the morning bus.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<div class="grid">
<figure class="effect-milo">
<img src="img/11.jpg" alt="img11"/>
<h2>Faithful <span>Milo</span></h2>
<p>Milo went to the woods. He took a fun ride and never came back.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
<figure class="effect-milo">
<img src="img/3.jpg" alt="img03"/>
<h2>Faithful <span>Milo</span></h2>
<p>Milo went to the woods. He took a fun ride and never came back.</p>
<a href="#">View more</a>
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